Stubborn Cinderella
Stubborn Cinderella is a musical in three acts originally produced by Mort H. Singer, Jr.. The music is by Joseph E. Howard, book and lyrics are by William M. Hough and Frank R. Adams. Staged by George Marion(later of Anna Christie fame) and Musical Direction by Arthur Pell, the scenic design was by Frank E. Gates and Edward A. Morange. It opened at The Broadway Theatre on January 25, 1909 and played for 88 performances.
Opening Night Cast
- John Barrymore - Mac
- Dorothy Brenner - Sallie
- Alice Dovey - Lois
- Sallie Fisher - Lady Leslie, daughter of the Earl of Glenkirk
- Robert Harrington - Skeeter
- James C. Marlowe - Colonel Hunt, of the visiting English party
- Charles Prince - Fat
- Clarence Lutz - Grid
- Don Merrifield - The President/An Indian
- Charles Rankin - Thaddeus Leonardo, a famous sculptor
- Helen Salinger - Lady Evelyn, Lady Leslie's aunt
- Act I
- Love Me Just Because - Lois and Chorus
- Don't Be Cross with Me - Lady Leslie and Chorus
- I'm in Love with All the Girls I Know - Skeeter and Chorus
- Act 2
- None But the Brave Deserve the Fair - Colonel Hunt and Chorus
- The Land of the Sky
- Adios, Senorita - Sallie and Chorus
- Don't Be Anybody's Moon But Mine - Lois and Chorus
- Act 3
- Don't Teach Me to Swim Alone - Sallie and Chorus
- If They'd Only Let Poor Adam's Rib Alone - Mac, Colonel Hunt, Skeeter and Fat
- The Orange Fete - Ensemble
- When You First Kiss the Last Girl You Love - Lady Leslie
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